Title: [untitled] Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: Random/12 -- Future Word Count: 653 Rating: G Summary: This is their average morning.
Title: [untitled] Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: Random/13 -- Now Word Count: 1460 Rating: G Summary: Romania is sick and wants to solve this in a way that would not be conducive to his health.
Title: Ghost Stories Characters: Japan mention of America Challenge: Challenge 13: Spook Bonus Words: pumpkin, terror, bones Rating: G Summary: Japan realizes America was right about the book of ghost stories he gave him… ( Read more... )
Title: no blood Characters: Romania/Norway Challenge: 13 -- Spooky Bonus Words: Terror Rating: G Summary: He doesn't like to let himself get too concerned with the nightmares, because if they were really that bad then Romania would do something about them. A/N chapter one of a drabble series that I will update tomorrow when i am less tired. sorry for
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Title: Impaler Characters: Romania Challenge: 13 -- Spook Bonus Words: None Rating: G Summary: He wasn't entirely coherent at that time. For hetachallenge. A/N I would be lying if I said Gertrude Stein's "If I Told Him" wasn't in mind as I wrote this.
Title: Hello, Goodbye Author: kainoliero Claim: Finland Character(s): All Nordics Table/Prompt: Food/ 15. Barbecue Word Count: 205 Rating: G Summary: A small meeting of the five in late August.
Title: Do You Want to Know a Secret Author: kainoliero Claim: Finland Character(s): Finland, Sweden Table/Prompt: Food/ 16. Thirst Word Count: 413 Rating: G Summary: Just
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Title: [untitled] Author: Kahlan Aisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Norway, Romania Table/Prompt: Random/6-- Right Word Count: 383 Rating: G Summary: Traian is not the most observant person in the world, but even this isn't his fault. Sequel to Dark (third) and Ground (fourth).
Title: [untitled] Author: Kahlan Aisling Claim: RomNor Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: Random/4 -- Sky Word Count: 305 Rating: G Summary: You don't have to be creative to know what description doesn't fit.